Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Market

We had CreCre for the weekend so we went to Saturday Market. How do you know it's a good Saturday Market? When Jimi Hendrix shows up of course! He even had his guitar with him!

There always has to be a guy playing the buckets.

Here's a fountain.

Cat on a leash. It's not uncommon to see a homeless person with a cat or a dog on a leash, at least you always have a meal if you get desperate enough.

CreCre eating a $5 bag of kettle corn, they are proud of their corn in Oregon, I guess.

Seeing booth with painted wood saws made me feel right at home.


More Market across the road.

An old military truck...

They had this 3-on-3 soccer tournament going on in the streets.

Trying to take a picture of the sign.

This a food "cart" across from where I work and probably the best food cart to get Thai from. Pad Thai, 1 spring roll and a coke for $5.

We went over to a fountain where we saw this character role playing some kinda Anime type game with his pals.

Another shot of the crew.

I think they killed the fountain several times, here his woman is threating him with his magical staff.

The fountain.

CreCre in the midst of a pout session. It started with me asking her to wash her hands before she ate more popcorn because she had been picking rocks up off the ground and then she protested by not playing in the fountain and just sitting on the bench.

Walking home across the Hawthorne bridge.

A shot of SE Portland towards our house.

The hills from the Hawthorne bridge.

Shiny mannequins on a roof.


Julia said...

What a fun day! I kinda feel like I was with y'all or something...nice people watching, and whatnot! These pics make me miss y'all and the city. We had such a great time when we were there! If y'all ever wanna take a trip to Texas, we would be so thrilled to have y'all stay with us! :)
CreCre is so grown up! I like the picture of her pouting. hehe

kingdomforavoice said...
